Monday, April 23, 2007


Now this ought to be the easiest posting to write. All I have to put is nothing. Okay, true that would be too obvious. Clever perhaps, but lazy.

Not that I have anything against lazy. Some of my favorite memories are of time when I had the rare opportunity to celebrate the sloth within. Sounds good doesn't it? A nice poetic version of just plain being lazy and I love it.

Which is what bothers me at times. How come doing nothing is always viewed as a bad thing?

I mean you can be busy and get nothing accomplish and people will think you are trying. In reality you may just be conning them. However, if they think you are trying, whoa, they will applaud the effort.

I don't know, I'm just inclined to view this as a game. One where people do so much to avoid that simple quality of resting.

Now come on and admit it. Resting is being lazy. Only we say it is okay, because resting is assumed to be a form of recharging so you can later work your ass off.

Only in reality it is just being lazy. We just don't treat it as the same. Nobody is ever accused of being resting. Being lazy, yeah, but never being resting.

Oh we couldn't do that. Because if we did we would have to find a reason for none of us to ever rest either and who needs that?

As for myself, well, call me old fashion, but I'm comfortable with the whole resting scenario. Only I don't care if it ends up being called being lazy.

Because the first rule in truly being gifted in the lazy department is learning not to care what some jerk thinks anyway. Saves on all the headaches later.

There are creative ways too that one can avoid looking lazy while actually being that way. One is to be involved with meetings.

Committees are the most wonderful form of laziness there is. The big key is to be the leader.

That way you can give all the work to everyone else without doing any yourself. Which amounts to the best form of laziness.

And if by chance the committee actually accomplishes anything by accident you can take all the credit. Which is even a greater plus.

Well that is my version of laziness. I hope it comes in handy.


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