Sunday, April 22, 2007


This is a wonderful concept. The idea is so encompassing of life, of hope and joy. But naturally, we don't necessarily get all those things.

Still it is a truly fabulous thought. The very notion you could literally have anything you want would be fantastic.

I mean anything as in anything, no holes barred, no rules and no restraints. Now when one defines it that way it is a whole different realm of possibilities.

Let's face it, anything to one person is a total nightmare to another. I don't even like to speculate what that would mean with some individuals.

So perhaps there are times when it is a good thing we can't have anything we want. Plus if we did get anything then we probably would get spoiled in our expectations.

That doesn't mean I can wish. And you can certainly believe I do a lot of that. Constantly.

However, I do enjoy the process of imagining. After all, when we drool over the idea of heaven, it does open our minds to thinking beyond our lives.

Maybe some think this is silly and pointless. But not me. True I'm a realists in that regard, but I still enjoy it just the same.

And who knows? If one thinks in terms of anything, we might keep our eyes open to the something that can actually happen.

Which can make it all worthwhile. Plus if you get to hang around people who also think that way, then it is a good thing.

Then perhaps you can see the possible something far more clearly. And that dear friends is the absolute best part.

Yep, I truly savor those precious moments when I sit down with some other person and we kick back a few gallons of brew and imagine all the things we would do. Then about half way through the brew it really seems to make sense.

Which is the most precious of times. For a while anything does actually seem possible. And that I savor.

Course then comes the day after and the hangover. But it passes. Then life has to wait for the next opportunity to smile.

It can be hard to find them as often as you want. But anything is possible if you work it right. And I work it right lots of times.


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