Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Ah the wave of nostalgia can so christen the soul. Er, I mean I guess there are times when the heart just loves to remember the days gone by in some fond way.

Which is wonderful as long as the brain isn't on vacation. Otherwise you end up sort of being clogged in the head in terms of reality.

When this happens you get a serious case of the stupids? It does happen you know. People can suddenly remember the past in the most bizarre and strangest ways.

That can be such a major pain in the butt if you have to listen to it. Honestly, you sit there and some moron is droning on and on like yesterday was something incredible.

Then you sit and you look at them with that, "excuse me, what planet do you come from?" Seems like a fair question to me given some of the weird crap people believe at times.

In any case, you can't alter some people's thinking that is for sure. I'm not sure I would even want to with certain individuals.

Because if they started thinking sane it would mean I would have to hang out with them more and that would really be scary. There is just only so much of certain people you can stand.

So this is one of those mixed blessings kind of things. On the one hand I hate listening to such dribble that isn't even close to true.

However, I would still rather put up with that than messing with hanging out with Mr. Personality any other time. That could even be worse.

This all translates into a whole lot of whatever. Yep, learning to listen and simply not care.

That is the key. It doesn't what lunacy a person is sharing with some demented view of reality, you just nod and don't say a word.

Which is my best advice. Okay so they claim life used to be better. Fine with me. And when they claim it was perfect, that's okay too.

Even when they want to say that they were happy I'll accept that. I know it will be total crap, but I'll smile when they say it.

Later, after a few drinks naturally, I'm able to forget the conversation. That is the best thing about the past, when you don't have to even remember it at all.

My rule you understand. You can invent your own like everyone else does.


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