Monday, May 07, 2007


This is always so appealing. Well, providing it is going somewhere decent. To fast food places don't count.

Oh they are okay in terms of a place to get something to eat. But I'm talking about really eating. You know where it is more than about food.

That's right, I'm talking about when you go out to savor more than just a good meal. You want atmosphere and the pure luxury of being waited on by people who lie to you and pretend they like you.

It is all a wonderful illusion that if you treat it right, will be lots of fun. So go ahead and enjoy, just have the best time you ever had. I know you probably don't need me to say that, but I just tossing it out anyway.

Probably because I see so many who do eat out and sometimes it seems like they really aren't enjoying themselves. Which seems to kind of defeat the purpose of the experience.

You see them in the restaurant scanning the menu, eyes sort of dull like they do this every day. And naturally they have lost any real capacity for enjoying it as a special event.

So I think the primary issue is being sure you approach this whole event with a strategy of making it feel great. And there are lots of ways to do that.

Which I probably don't even need to mention, except for the problem of indifference. Basically when fun stops being fun and starts being a chore.

Life has plenty of daily chores. And eating is a requirement, but it doesn't mean we can try to enjoy it.

I just devoting this posting to the general rambling of how life is so short and we need to truly savor the special moments. I mean either way, regardless if you enjoy it or not, you end up paying for the tab to eat out.

See, you needed to be reminded of that fact. So come on and put that brain to work. Look at that main course you are ordering and think of it as something you want to inhale totally and completely without complaint and just with fun.

Now for me to enhance my appreciation of such moments I always prefer the company of some dining companion who inspires me to more appetite. Which just improves the taste since I always look forward to that partner being responsible for dessert.

Yeah, I went the obvious route. What do you expect? I never change my view of what is tasty. And you can only enjoy it better with the right, um, seasonings. Course it helps when it is in the right package too.

I have my idea on that type, I'm sure you do too.


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