Saturday, May 05, 2007

Back Brace

Now the usual kind of back brace is used to suppose the spine in some way. The type I'm talking about is where the brace is intended to cover your back. Basically a best friend who really acts like a friend.

The big problem is that you can never be truly sure if someone will cover your back till they have to. Often by then it is too late to find out they won't either.

It can be so hard to tell with some people what they will do under pressure. Honestly it is very difficult with some too predict.

I've had more than my share of failures in that part too. Which I blame myself for. Yes, I really do.

Essentially, the thing is I assume most people can be corrupted. And the thing that really is amazing is how often the person who acts like they have morals is the biggest sucker for being corrupted.

Oh it might seem hard to believe, but it really isn't. Because a lot of time the more they talk about ethics the more you can be sure they don't actually have any. As if they are trying to convince themselves.

That isn't always the case. You do have to be careful because some times you meet a person who really does mean what they say. It is rare, but it does happen.

Fortunately, that isn't the norm. So you don't have to worry about it very much. Just have to be aware it can be an issue.

Course for me, since I do have to have a certain number of allies in the plot to con, I must be willing to take certain risks. Just not as many as I might as like at times for safety's sake.

Whenever possible I do take time to sort of get a person a trial period. Yeah, just check them out and make sure they can be really trusted on small things.

I just never forget that such people are always on probation tell we reach the big leagues. And if they disappoint in any way you can be sure I will not add them to my final roster.

But in the meantime you can just sort of do what you can to fit people and see if they can work as a back brace. Asking a favor helps.

Till you are sure, just keep a good list of which ones worked in the past. Sometimes it will be a short list, but you never are sure at times.

In my case, I never assume any brace will always work. Sometimes they wear out. You just always have to keep checking.


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