Thursday, April 19, 2007


And age old debate by stupid people in my opinion. I mean what is all this silliness about how there are times when less is more? Who came up with that dumb rule?

I call it dumb, because from my view anyone who says less is better normally is trying to convince themselves as far as I'm concerned. From my view I can't think of much where more is not better than less.

Come on think of times where you really say, give me less of something? Well okay, taxes might work. We could definitely be happy with less taxes.

However, for anything you like I would definitely say more is the optimum word over the word less. For from my point of view this really is only an issue when talking about pleasure.

So let us get down to the core issue with this one. Basically, when it comes to smiles, more is the only word that works. Oh, true, less is important if you are figuring some type of artificial form of smile that could render you brain dead.

Those are times when more can put you in the hospital or worse. That doesn't keep people from grabbing for it just the same. Oh yeah they definitely do that. Which is a different form of stupid.

I mean more only works if you actually have a chance to savor the more. If it is one that ends up making you dead, it sort of defeats the benefit.

So speaking from the perspective of a person who thinks more is good as long as you end up getting more, I vote for being practical. Yep, that is really the most important thing.

You just have to be prepared to not go dumb in terms of being smart. It really is the key. All you have to do is be sure that you tell others that fact in a way that they will believe.

It is amazing how many people try thinking by nodding their heads. Oh yeah, that is totally less than sane.

But they do it anyway. And after a while you just get used to the idea of knowing that people will end up thinking with other than their brains when it comes to pleasure.

Sometimes you are lucky. You actually find a person who doesn't end up with some mortally wounded case of being a moron who is actually willing to listen.

And if you are lucky they manage to learn their lesson soon enough that you can guide them to a better and saner place of thought. But if that doesn't work, you can always point them in the direction where you can depend upon them to end up as a lamb being lead to the slaughter. Hey, if you can't help them out you might as well savor the pure joy of at least letting them suffer so you can get more.


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