Saturday, April 21, 2007


I don't have to do this in a literal sense. Oh don't think the idea hasn't appealed to me at times. Yeah, there are a few people I wouldn't mind writing obituaries for at times.

But that isn't an option. And even though as a Mayor I've tried to give thought to come creative legislation that might make this a reality, but so far none of it gets the nod from our city attorney.

So I just have to be content with the other ways I get to decide who lives. Which happens to be several with me being Mayor.

For what gives people a reason to live can be very diversified. It is amazing how you can eliminate one thing from some people's lives and they will practically die.

Of course the most obvious area that applies is with money. For example if a person has some service contract with the city.

All you have to do is let them have a bigger contract and wait till they get used to the extra income. Then you come up with a reason to cancel it.

Oh the joy the causes. I love it when I can call them up and tell them their contract is cancelled.

I can almost hear their hearts pounding in the process. And often they add those precious sound effect in between stumbling over their words. I love it!

But that is only one option available to me. Another is such things as enforcement of city regulations.

Oh man is that a dream come true. Yeah, if you can't ruin their heart beat by taking away some income, making it harder to make a living works great.

And it is amazing how many options you can come up with too. I just so savor the times when some inspector is able to go in who is in a really bad mood.

They can always find something wrong. And if I do happen to inspire them they will find all kinds of things wrong to the point of losing their license or suspending it.

Alas, I just can't do that in every case. Wish I could. But then there is that fabulous ploy where I get to having the zoning laws changed.

Now that is real magic. Changing the zoning laws is truly so inspired. Oh it never remains changed. Just long enough to give the person headaches. And dear friends is enough to give me extra smiles.

It is the little things one savors the most. And in my situation I love the way it turns some lives to crap.


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