Monday, April 16, 2007


This is such a joy when it happens. It is a special joy in my opinion. One that you have to embrace with such happiness if you get a chance to savor the moment of hope you never thought would occur.

Now the difficulty with some time is in the vagueness. By the very nature of its name you have no idea when this will happen. Just that when it does you will be so darn happy.

At least that is the prevailing theory behind the lure of someday. And that for me is what I enjoy about the whole process. From my point of view of course.

It is just a joy to sit and think it terms of some time and look forward to savoring the times when things just could be as I want. Now that can be so tough for guy like me at times. For my idea of how things could be definitely never meshes with what others might call as good.

So far at least it has seemed to work out that way. Oh I wish it did, but it never does. Thank goodness I never volunteer my opinion on that subject either.

The one thing you do not want to do is end up spilling your guts on something as intimate as your idea of some time with certain people. They just never will understand or attempt to in some way appreciate your particular tastes.

Fact of life I'm afraid. It is just smarter to listen and let them tell you their idea of what is some time.

That way you don't have to worry about getting embarrass if you happen to have a some time that is perhaps on the gray side of the law. People can be so funny about that at times, especially if they work in law enforcement.

Which is why I naturally prefer to just listen and not tell all. It is so nice the number of times that has saved me headaches later.

Alone of course or with my best buddy, some time can be my some time. Which is so much nicer than when you have to listen to some people's idea of some time.

To be honest, some people aren't dreamers. They just aren't even close to thinking in terms of a some time that will remotely please.

Well not by my standards you understand. For me some time ought to be for things you can't expect otherwise. There are a whole lot of then.

You could spend a lot of time with some time in that regard. I'm just voting for a few that I can plot to make happen some time. That works for me.

But then when I get to massage the facts most things work for me.


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