Sunday, April 15, 2007


I wish all that gave pleasure had the same meaning, but it never does. What is fun to one person can put someone else totally asleep.

Wherein lies the problem for me as a Mayor. Honestly, when I have to plan so civic event you have to be so careful to keep the entertainment as generic and general as possible. Doing anything different and the slightest bit unique can result in complaints.

It is just so easy to offend. You might now want to, but let me tell you it sure is easy to accomplish.

And when you are talking a public event oh man is that a pain and potential disaster. What makes it even more of a problem is how often it ends up with something being protested.

Never by the happy people you understand. They are just kind of mellow and totally cool about most things.

It is always the ones who don't like anything anyway that cause the problem. Kind of like if they can't have any fun then nobody should be allowed to enjoy themselves.

Naturally, the group you can piss off the easiest are those with religious priorities. In my city the major ones for that kind of approach belong to one Reverend Analbe and his Moral Priority.

Yep, if there is any kind of party you can be sure he will be around to tell the party goes how they are risking eternal damnation for that smile. And you can be sure that if he even suspects they are having a good time, whoa, now that is a condition worthy of being totally condemned forever and forever.

The only way around that problem with him is to be sure he gets to bless the snacks. And you just pretend to not hear when it sounds during the prayer like he has his mouthful. Nor should you in any way make comment about the missing food when you open your eyes.

If you do that then everything will be approved by the Reverend. Providing you don't act like you are happy. You can smile, but don't make it look obvious.

Follow that rule and you be allow into heaven. Well at least with the Reverend's approval. Can say if God will agree.

In any event if you set aside the Reverend or at least make sure he doesn't know about you party you can actually have fun. He does have spies though. So it is best to be careful.

It is all a big pain just for having some fun. But in dullsville it is necessary.



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