Friday, April 20, 2007


This can be a good thing. Providing you are running from being in a hurry. If you are running because you are being chased, well that might not be fun.

However, assuming you are simply rushing like too many of us, then it can be very challenging to find that time just for you. Those moments you can still have a reason to smile regardless of the pace you have to live.

I find the pressure from stress a wonderful form of inspiration in terms of clinging to some fleeting chance to have pleasure. It is harder to accomplish when in the middle of some issue regarding things like being stuck in freeway traffic. That can really put a damper on the capacity to smile.

Which is one of the nice things about cell phones. True, it can be difficult to balance the capacity for talking and also driving. I mean we all get pissed when some driver weaves all over the road while talking on a cell phone.

But with the right amount of effort you just never know, it can be done. Which enables one to enjoy the fruit of allowing the mind to wander to great ways to keep one entertained in the process.

Now one of the things I am careful about doing it is not using my cell phone for this process. Too many people have caller ID.

You can't make a decent prank call to someone using your own cell phone. Just ruins the effect if they know it is you.

So you need a second phone or a borrowed one. Course it is fun if you happen to call somebody who knows that number too. That way they will get pissed at the other person. Sort of a double prank if you will.

Works for me. But then a whole lot of things work for me when I'm on the road. Which is preferable to dealing with some people, my employees, my family or creditors.

There are other ways to have fun on the run too. Like having say a car you borrowed and then cutting other people off to get them pissed.

Only you have to be careful to be sure you don't let the person know you borrowed their car. That can be so tricky.

I know it all seems like silliness. But hey, isn't life silly too? I do admit it. There is just no substitute for smiles at times.

And the more your life sucks, the more you need those darn smiles. Only the harder at times it is to be creative in terms of finding them. But that just make finding them all the more fun.


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