Wednesday, April 11, 2007


There is the old adage about give and take. Meaning you cold have something go both ways in terms of possibilities.

But my slant as to do with something different. Basically it is to relate to the idea of how there really is seldom much giving with some taking also occurring.

I don't mean to be skeptical with regards to things like charity, but honestly from my point of view you just have to expect people who do something to figure they will get something in return. Giving is a wonderful concept, but seldom takes place in my opinion without a certain aspiration for some reward.

Okay, call that the pessimists viewpoint. I just regard it as being practical. Which is a good thing.

Only you'll probably not get a whole lot of people to agree with that one. Most are going to defend human nature. True there are a lot of jerks in the world.

But surely there have to be a few who aren't selfish jerks. Fine, I say. All I want you to do is find them for me. No big deal.

Just take me over and put them on display so I can feel like they are some kind of angel. Now don't get me wrong, I do feel we are all different.

So that means there are some who are better than others. But perfect? I don't think so. Which happens to be my particular version of equality.

A simple view that presumes we are all equal in terms of greed. We just express it differently.

Hey, is that a big problem really? Wouldn't life be easier if we just accepted that fact? I think so.

However, I guess that isn't going to happen in reality. We got too many dreams that still think dreams are more true that truth.

I wouldn't mind giving them a ticket to happy land. They can stay there for free and have long conversations about backgammon with their socks.

As for me, well I prefer to keep myself practical. That means essentially, I don't like living fairy tales.

Unless they are adult in nature. Which mainly happens on the internet. Now that is what I call giving we can all enjoy.

Works for me. Most things do when I don't have to be honest about them.


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