Friday, March 30, 2007


There are first time experiences that make you want to shout and dance. There are others when you are left with a reason to groan and regret having to even go through the process.

Sometimes you can even avoid certain first time experiences altogether. Providing you want to. Now why am I even rambling on about this whole first time thing?

I don't know, just sort of came to mind lately. Probably because I had a first time experience recently that was a tad disappointing.

For me this one was dealing with the little gadget I just bought. It is supposed to be something you use for making notes, has a calculator, calendar and an assortment of other items that in some way designed to make life easier for busy people.

All of that sounded good. However, for me it turned out to be a major pain the butt. For starters, the note pages were good, but honestly after I scribbled enough notes I ended up having no idea where to find the note I had written to remind me of whatever.

And spending ten minutes flipping through the pages hoping to find a given note didn't help. Plus there was the problem that I did manage to do this whole thing in part when I was in a bar. Drunk scribble never makes any sense when you are sober.

On the one note as best as I could decipher I had either written down the date for the end of the world or when the tags expired on my car's license plate. Either way I didn't enjoy the time it took me to wade through it without making any sense.

So I have sort of ruled out the note part as being necessarily all that helpful. As for the calculator. That can be useful. Only some clown decided this one had to be a scientific type. Personally, when I'm trying to add up some numbers, I want a total, not to know the square root. Or whatever else all those buttons are suppose to tell me.

Then there was the calendar. Oh this couldn't just be a small thing with dates. No, it had to be a computerized one.

Do I really care about the knowing the history of every holiday celebrated in the world? Maybe, but not when I'm trying to figure out tomorrow's date.

So for now, as first experiences go, this one didn't go in the plus category. Which is a good thing since I could figure out the add button on that stupid calculator.

Ah, progress. Such a precious thing at times. Hopefully, it comes with a wonderful occasion of things that make sense.

One can hope at least. Some times hope is hard to grasp though. I keep trying, but not remembering some first time experiences.


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