Friday, March 23, 2007

Brass Tacks

Well, there are real brass tacks out there naturally. But they are not generally what is referred to with this.

Nope this is getting down to the nitty gritty of subject. Thank means to the core. Where the person lives and thinks. Do unmask the charade they are playing and think in terms of what really motivates them.

That is a real challenge with some people. Now I do confess that I lie for a living. It is part of what I have to do in order to inspire confidence.

That is the reason I give at least. But then I think it is preferable to saying, "Hey we have no idea what we are doing. So just don't panic. We'll probably do things totally wrong."

Like anyone would really love to hear that. Most people would not regard that as a good choice.

The big problem you understand is that while that is all part of my routine. It doesn't necessarily apply for some of the clowns I have to deal with.

The major issue is with people such as businessmen. See they are motivated by the most basic desire there is. Greed.

Yep that is so naturally. I understand it. I embrace it and support it. I just wish the people I dealt with regarded that as a good thing.

Instead, the want to dazzle me with a bunch of baloney. They want me to ignore the greed and be content with believing they really want to help people.

Might be good if they really did. Only instead of getting down the brass tacks of pure avarice and greed they got to remain in the stupid garment of making me think they care.

It doesn't matter how much they know me, how many bribes they give me or times I've coped with some under the table deal, they still have this stupid need to make me believe they care. Which really bugs me because frankly I don't.

I just want the brass tacks, but not with the pointed end facing up where I might end up sitting on it. I'll pass on that option.

Still, the real brass tacks are hard to find with the connivers. They just refuse to accept I want to see them.

So we end up having lunch were I listen to their rambling. Then I wait till enough booze has kicked in. After that, no problem.

So the rule is, get drunk and you will always see the brass tacks. Providing you don't pass out first.


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