Sunday, March 25, 2007


This is part of those immortal words spoken by President Roosevelt following the tragedy of Pearl Harbor. Now admittedly that was not a moment in history that some will remember fondly and it definitely qualified as infamy. However, I feel a certain sadness that we can give more situations the same level of intensity and drama.

I accept that might be a little tough when you are talking you know, ordinary events. People aren't likely to get all ready to go to war over something like power outage. Still it is pain the butt. And a day I'll remember, that is for sure.

Not sure how to make such events more melodramatic. I mean in a good way. You know to get the juices flowing.

Why? Well why not? I mean isn't apathy a terrible thing? We got an epidemic of it where I live. That is why they call my city, Mediocrity.

Not a source of pleasure to be sure. But I can hardly expect anyone to get motivate to change the name when you are lucky to get people to stop yawning long enough to care.

Yeah, it is that bad. I mean really, really big time nodding season. That is why I'm thinking this infamy ploy would help out.

I'm inclined to imagine if I could get everyone excited about some cause it would work. Only it really is tough to inspire rage for some problems.

Like coping with the cable company people. Now this is never fun. I mean at best you'll be left wanting to do is strangle someone. Only you'll just think about it.

Which I suppose is a good thing. Well, for the most part. I mean the frustration and stress isn't fun, but it is a lot saner to cope with that than go nuts and do something crazy in the process.

That is why I want to figure a way to get everyone to see the real threat of this situation as a total disaster that you have to end or face possible death. So far I haven't quite come up with the prefect combination for taking one of these pain in the ass situations and making it seem life threatening.

I do have hopes though eventually. I am toying with starting with the cable company. I'm leaning to the approach that somehow these vile people are plotting to take over the world.

Oh yeah, I can picture myself giving a speech warning how we have to end the cable menace. I'm probably going to have to weave in about them planning and taking away everyone's remotes. Now I know that would get a reaction. Oh yeah, nobody threatens that an live in my town. The remote is a god don't you know. Ah, maybe that is a good option to really approach. Providing I don't have to give up my own remote in the process.


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