Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Oh man do I know about this one. Only I'm not referring to those related to pregnancy. That is one kind of labor I have no desire to experience under any circumstances and I don't think I'm going to have to worry about it anyway.

I'm speaking of the kind of labor pains associated with being a boss. Yeah, the ones that you get from having all the people who work for you complain about the labor.

Now I'm the first to concede that lots of jobs suck. But so what? Come on now, let's be fair about this, can most people truly expect to be blessed with some employment that pays them how much they want and the work is perfect or completely satisfying?

It is a wonderful fantasy. Just not all that realistic. So it honestly translates from my view into the simple realty that whether you like it or not, you will most likely get paid less than you want and have to do work you aren't thrilled by.

And since the job of wealthy, lazy jerk isn't in the want ads and God isn't hiring anyone for his job, then we are most of the time going to settle for a paycheck. Admittedly, there are plenty of people with jobs that pay good and they do seem to enjoy their hours on the clock, it doesn't represent everyone.

Now as a Mayor, I have learned to cope with the annoyances of my job. The main annoyance though comes from people, which being a politician means it is my job in many ways.

But that is all something I accept. What I have trouble coping with is the times I have to battle the grumps. Those are the people who drive me nuts because they are never satisfied.

Sadly, that includes way too many of my employees. Which really bugs me since the way I look at it they could be way worse off.

That might seem like an unfair thing to say, but you know, I can't help reminding myself how here is this person living in this country with a job that pays enough to live on. They are living in Mediocrity, which may suck as a city in some ways, but at least we don't have a big crime rate. We don't have any excitement either, but you can't have everything can you?

There are times when I simply would love to point out to that person that I would be happy to let them trade jobs with some poor farmer in some distant country if they want to appreciate having a really tough job. And I do at times try to nudge them into accepting that.

It normally doesn't invoke the response I would prefer. But at times it does cut down on their complaints. And that for me is enough to end the labor pains for a while, which makes my job easier.


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