Monday, December 11, 2006


These all have one thing in common from my point of view. They all involve marking with some type of familiar image. Brandmarks too me are those logos or symbols that you identify with something.

Depending on if you remember them as good or bad will determine if you like the identity. But regardless of whether you like them, they will still be used by the person or company that think they are a good idea.

Brand names are those companies or products we know and generally trust. You look for the name on a product because you've either had a good experience with the product or believe whatever advertising spiel the are giving on the product.

As for branding, well shoot, that is normally associated with cattle where some rancher burns his name or symbol into their hides. All I can say is that would not be my choice of showing my participation in something.

In a way I see all three of these are related in terms of the fact that they all use symbols. Now branding something is definitely a severe option as opposed to putting your name on a product, but in reality if somebody brands their name on your mind it accomplishes the same thing. At least it does to me. You just don't saw ouch in the process.

Now am I suggesting that people who sell brand name products or use brand marks think of consumers as cattle? Well, are you?

My answer is of course they do. Why wouldn't they? And I for one plead guilty to being part of the herd.

Oh yeah, I fall for the same advertising hype as the next person when they show how some product is new and improved and suggest you can't live without it. And what is really disgusting is that even though I know it is how it works, I still buy the crap too.

To be honest, I don't think I'm trying to suggest that those who sell all the stuff we buy think we are somehow a bunch of dumb animals. I think instead they recognize that we are all so busy that we don't enjoy having to work that hard at chores like shopping.

True, there are people for whom shopping is their life, but for stuff like buying things you eat or use to clean, frankly don't most of us just want whatever works without a lot of thought?

Which is why I salute the branding of the consumer. Yes, you got that right, I salute it. After all, life does burden us with so many darn problems, why not have something that is easy?

So go ahead folks, do like I do and graze up to the local store, then as you are meandering say a little moo to let them know you know what they think of us. That ought to make you feel better or perhaps they'll give you a discount for thinking you're a nut.


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