Thursday, December 07, 2006


There are times to know when to keep your mouth shut and others when to shoot it off. Sort of like treating your mouth as if it were a pistol.

Of course we don't have a safety for our mouths. And the ammunition doesn't run out like it should at times. But then neither is there much risk you're going to kill someone by a few words. Unless they have a heart condition naturally.

The big trick is knowing when and when not to say what needs to be said. That is the hard part at times.

One thing I have learned, people don't like being given advice unless they ask for it. Even if what you have to say is helpful. We just seem to be prone to not want advice in so many situations.

Despite all of that there are the times when you just really do need to have a shot at telling somebody something important. Just hopefully it is a situation where they don't end up hating you in the process or taking a knife and stabbing you in the heart.

It has been said that a lot of people don't want to discuss religion or politics. I find that most interesting since there are so many cases when that seems to be all that people want to talk about.

And isn't it interesting it would involve two such totally different subject. It does make sense when one considers that both involve a great deal of speculation without a whole lot of proof.

So naturally everyone has an opinion. But like so many situations nobody can really proof to us that our opinion is right or wrong.

However there are plenty of people that expect or downright demand you accept their opinion. Which can be really a pain if you are talking about religion.

I mean god knows there are way too many opinions on politics. And most of the time somebody has their idea on a plan to fix the world.

I just haven't notice the world improving that much in the process. Oh perhaps if you believe the news media's version of truth. Then it counts.

But outside of them, well we all get the joy of listening and then decide, which clown is probably lying to us the least. If we are lucky they might actually do something besides give speeches along the way too.

In case they don't I do rejoice over the thrill of being able to use the other guys as fodder for my own speeches. I always play up how I'm different. I'm not naturally, but it sure sounds good as part of a speech.


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