Saturday, December 09, 2006


What can you say about this, but oh yeah? I know it sounds redundant, yet to be honest I can't think more fitting to say about oh yeah.

This is that moment of quiet victory when you see your worst enemy get what they deserve. Or it is the time when some grand plan truly pays off. Now that's a real Kodak moment.

The reason these are so special in part is because of the fact they are so often rare. We just don't experience them every day. And when it does come you are so darn happy you just can wanting to say something, but you're not sure what. So oh yeah becomes the simple and succinct comment without getting boring or wordy.

As I said the one problem is that the times you can say this with happiness are rare. So you just content yourself to wait till next time.

Now that I've explored what that term means to me, I suppose it would be helpful if I also elaborated on the best times to utter such phrases and perhaps when not too. Um for starters you should pick a time when it might be construed as being relevant to some other occasion for celebration rather than rejoicing over somebody's misery.

For example if you are at a sports event and you happen to hear of the demise of some jerk. All you have to do is wait for some proper second when your time does something good and TA-DAH you seem like a proud fan.

Another acceptable occasion is if you are at a buffet. You can look out over the feast and scream "OH YEAH!" Nobody will blame you. They just don't need to know that your really reason is because some jerk just got his butt in big trouble.

Anyway, on the downside are the times you have to be careful. There is just no way to shout "Oh yeah" at a funeral without raising eyebrows. Trust me, I learned the hard way.

And what ever you do, definitely try to avoid that comment after they say something about the passing of the dear departed. Unless you want the relatives thinking you are there to celebrate his or her passing. That might end with them deciding to help you pass too.

Then there is the issue of being in a church on Sunday. Now I admit that isn't my normal place to be on Sundays, but I have been there on occasions.

And if by chance I heard about some jerk buying the big one while there, shouting "Oh yeah" can result in all kinds of unwanted attention. This can be extra bad if they decide you suddenly found god, because they will get so excited they will want you to get up and tell them all about it. Now I'm no unskilled at lying, but doing it in church just for me isn't a good option. Call if being fickle, but I just don't want to risk any thunderbolts barbecuing my hide in the process.


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