Sunday, December 03, 2006


Yep, when it comes to drab paint jobs, a little sure goes a long way. It just screams, yawn.

So, therefore, it only stands to reason that one would not want puke green walls or gray or anything else that would tend to put you to sleep. Why would a person actually shoot for the moon of dull? Well cost I suppose.

Those paints are apparently available at discount prices since no sane person would most likely care to indulge in them. However, I don't think that applies to some government facilities since they do tend to favor such colors. At least where we live.

And thus whoever originally decided to paint the offices of the city hall where I am Mayor must have thought it was a good idea. I presume they decide to model our offices after the big boys.

To me that thinking screamed stupid. It is totally based upon the absurd ideas that the big boys are somebody emulate. I don't happen to share that approach.

Mainly because there is no gain in that approach. It isn't like the big guys are going to show up at our small city and be impressed.

So why bother to do anything to please them. We're lucky if they even know our name, which probably only happens with the area of taxes, but nobody wanting money doesn't know your name. They may not care about it, but they will know it just the same.

Still, despite the fact that the color does suck and I don't personally care for it, I have decided to change the colors. Why? Well simple, other colors might inspire.

Yes, that's right. If we used lively colors the workers might get inspired. They might decide to think for themselves and then before you know it figure they deserved more out of life than low wages and a life of being ignored.

Can you imagine what would happen to the fabric of our garment of dull if those minds suddenly started trying to enjoy life? God it would be a disaster.

Before you know it the next thing would be them asking for other improvements. And after that they would start deciding we ought to really help the people.

What kind of sick mind would honestly expect a government, especially a small city government, to actually help people? That kind of thinking leads to er, democracy working?

We can't have that in Mediocrity. We are the standard bearer of dull and boring. Change would mean we would have to change our city's name. Think of the expense alone of having to change all the city signs? I perish to contemplate. That's why the walls never will change colors.


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