Monday, December 04, 2006


Oh the horror, oh the dread. The very word is meant to make you piss your pants. I can just picture it being uttered in some deep ominous voice that makes you quiver all over. And not in a good way. Quivering all over in a good way can be fun, but not this kind of quivering.

Beware is the kind of word that to me normally carries with it a certain degree of realistic threat. Like the signs that say beware of dog. You don't put that sign up unless you've got a very large and mean dog.

I suppose you could put the sign up for some pup, but there is something about that sign that inspires curiosity. Like people will try to see if you are bluffing.

So most of the time we know that so we don't use the word unless we definitely are serious. At least that is the prevailing opinion as far as I can see.

Which is okay by me providing you are dealing with a situation where others have the same definition. That is opposed to some chicken little type of clown who goes around shouting beware the sky is falling and we all know it isn't.

There are a few of those people out there, but for the most part I think the majority are fairly good at the beware thing. They know what it means and plan on dealing with it accordingly.

Which is a good thing I guess. After all you can pretty much depend that in a given situation there is something you can count on.

True it may not be the kind of uplifting thing you would prefer, but it is something. And I'm happy with that option myself.

As for the rest of the world, well sometimes I think you can put beware in the category of envy things. You know as in how we all would love to be the ones able to say the beware thing, but in a real sense.

Only genuine beware situations just don't come up that often. Oh they do exist, but just not everyday.

In a way that is a good thing. I mean life could get really difficult if you had to always cope with some beware issue looming out there. I really don't need that kind of stress and I don't think anyone else would either.

Still, I got to admit everyone once and a while it would be fun to be the beware dude. I guess the attention would be fun.

But then I'm prone to think in such terms since life is far too boring at times. Hopefully, we can figure more good things to make a beware deal. Just not sure where or when.


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