Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Some people are such incredible examples of glue. You can't get rid of them no matter what you do. Which is really not a fun thing since what you want the most is to get rid of them.

I just wished there was some easy method for finding a glue remover for such people. Essentially for me such individual want to stick to you because quite honestly, they are lonely. That isn't very surprising in life. Despite the fantasy of things like the movies there are truly a great many people in the world who are other than the life of the party.

Some manage to adjust to a life of being a social loser by living alone and finding a way to feel good about it. They take up hobbies, get pets or sign up for internet dating.

Those are just a few of the options naturally. But it works for some people. And they are to complimented for trying to find positive or at least tolerable solutions to their problems.

There are always the exceptions though. They are the ones who can't function in such a climate no matter how much it is their destiny. It might not be a social pill they want to swallow, but how they choose to avoid it can be really, really exhausting on others.

Being a public figure only complicates this process for me. Even though I am a mayor it and therefore have to deal with the public it doesn't mean I enjoy having to listen to every sob story on the planet or care about them.

I do have my own life to life too. And I have my share of personal problems also. So you can imagine how with all that goes on I am rather pressed to help find solutions to the needs of others without spending every second dealing with them.

Most people understand this. That is why they don't come to my office or house and camp out in hopes of finding a shoulder to cry on.

Which only leaves Mr. Personality to knock on my door and decide to be a social form of glue. He or she wants to be pals. He or she wants to tell me their life story and without even listening to mine in the process.

What is the hardest is when you deal with someone who starts out seeming normal ant the next thing you know, zap, they want to hang out with your forever! Those are the worst kind since you often don't find out about it tell they've got your cell phone number or worst.

About the only solution I ever get to this situation is to find somebody else to be the human fly paper that this person can get stuck too. Yeah, it is a pretty crappy thing to do to somebody else. But sometimes life does call us to make regrettable decisions I suppose. At least in my case once the person is stuck on somebody else I get the chance to enjoy a little peace and quiet and that works for me.


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