Sunday, October 08, 2006


To me this is the best kind of greed there is. Some are lairs of reaction to a given system. By that I mean somebody working in a big corporation who is working within their system for a big fat raise. He will step on anyone and anything for that raise. Ah, corporate America really does have some big feet in that sense.

But the thing is, the man is subject to the system. And the same goes for a multitude of other types of greed. Now one might argue that the independent tycoon if you can call them that is a person who is freelance in terms of greed. However he still does have to rely upon the financial system for his bucks. So he is independent, yet he isn't at the same time.

My idea of freelance greed is someone who is able to suck people dry without being dependent on any market or prevailing system. That is a rare commodity. In fact it might be translated into some small businessman who operates say at flea markets or some swap meet. After all, they don't have to worry about as much crap as some.

And sometimes they can really pile up the profit in terms of over charging. It is sort of like the guy who gets paid cash for a job. You can be sure he's not going to tell the government what he has in his pocket from any job.

I think I enjoy this kind of greed mainly because it often doesn't even look like greed. You can some guy running around in an old beat up truck who looks like he is barely squeaking by and the whole time he's making maybe 200 per cent profit on whatever he is hustling.

Which is why I truly love it and am envious at the same time. I mean shoot, if I tried to get away with charging that kind of bucks in profit I would get totally reamed by the public. But since this person is working so quietly and casually nobody even knows.

I will admit that I do admire that kind of greed, but I'm not giving up my luxury car just to make it look like I'm poor off so I can swing more profit out of a deal. What I do in some situation though is rent some old clunker so when I go to a meeting they don't know I'm better off. It is a sympathy ploy you understand.

I do confess it would be so much more blessed and fun if I could just leave the impression I was broke and then really had mega bucks. But the problem is I'm just not willing to do all of that for a couple extra bucks.

Instead, I do it the conniving way. I keep my toys and work harder at ways I can suck more money out of the city and voters without them knowing it.

That can be exhausting at times. And believe me when I pass some guy in his old beat up truck that I know is really well off, I do get a little envious. Not enough to do anything about it different. Just enough to talk about it in a posting where I can say I like it even if I can do that officially.


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