Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Oh yeah, great experiences are those you just want to have on more than one occasion. The so-so ones though you aren't in as much of a hurry to experience from my point of view.

It is just too bad that all the experience you do enjoy aren't of the mind-blowing, explode my veins till I'm out of head with joy types of encounters. And let me tell you when you live in a city called Mediocrity what qualifies as mind-blowing is definitely very different that it might be in other more exciting settings.

What can I say? Dull in my city is almost considered a law. Originality is not on the list of preferred lifestyles and neither is the word creativity.

As a politician I do savor the fact that with such a boring town I'm not that surprise too often by people who are inventive enough to truly do something unique. It is more like I have to struggle to keep from screaming over how truly monotonous things remain.

We do have the usual problems such as crime and corruption, pollution and other issues facing any city, but we just deal with them with more yawns that imagination. Solutions are generally sought from the archives so we can let some other generation do the thinking.

It does cut down on the concerns over things being too stressful at times. After all when nobody expects anything fresh or new you have less complaints over the choices made.

We did it this way before is considered as a stroke of courage rather than a desperate attempt to avoid admitted we might be possibly brain dead. Which is sure a lot easy to deal with than the risk of having someone want a contemporary cure for an old problem.

I don't think I'm completely uncomfortable with this approach. That is providing I stay in my office and don't have to look at the places in our city where they have real problems.

The other time it is difficult is when I have to go to some other city for one reason or another and see any hints of progress. God can that be depressing.

I solve that problem though by rushing to the nearest bar. A good dose of booze always dulls any memories about reality. At least for a while till I can get out of that city.

So as they say, "life goes on." I'm not sure if anyone with a heart or soul would consider what we have as life, but then there are so few of those passionate types in my city.

The few we do have of the female persuasion are on a list I keep in my computer under the category, "for a good time call." Yeah, I do love turning to those sources for inspiration. What a pity it isn't the type of inspiration that I can share with most people. But then considering the results I get from such events, I don't know I would want to share them anyway.


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