Thursday, October 12, 2006


I don't feel there is any better feeling than the times when things start out as planned and expected. It is literally like a dream come true. And the swell of confidence from such an event is truly intoxicating.

It is just too bad that such beginnings weren't always harbingers of how the rest of a given plan unfolds. Sometimes disaster lurks in the shadows of the unexpected. And you are so drunk on pride you got blind in the process and never see the crisis till too late.

I'm not trying to be a pessimist here necessarily. What I'm speaking of is the need to be cautious. Essentially, to not indulge in the silliness of unnecessary boasting or claiming victory till you have a complete accounting of the facts.

If I wasn't one for confidence or optimism, I wouldn't engage in so many plots and plans in the first place. Despite the detours, I don't like myself get derailed from riding that train of opportunity as far as I can.

And regardless of the question marks created in my head by a smooth beginning it doesn't mean I don't enjoy them. I just hold my breath for a while till all the other elements are more fixed. Then, hopefully, it is party time!

I suppose my main goal with this posting is to prove that contrary to some opinions I do have a heart. Okay, it might not be of gold or even full with any kind of goodness, but I do have feelings.

Maybe some people might say I lack any real sense of conscience or other elements to suggest I actually in position of a soul. But hey, none of us is perfect.

I am after all just a hard working local politician in desperate need for a little understanding. You will notice I said a little. As in enough to be sure you buy my lies.

And hopefully along the way in the midst of my con jobs, I have those smooth beginnings. That is when I don't have to work as hard at lying to get anyone to believe my baloney. Ah, those are the most precious of memories.

It is a pity I can gauge such moments with any honesty. When I sit there and find out I've got a first class sucker on the hook, the tears of joy and relief come to my eyes.

I just explain them as being for something else that sounds better. Then I hope and pray I can get through the rest of my story and crap without ruining the effect.

All of which is given a little extra reason to sing a song of "oh happy day," if in the end, I don't end up stumbling over too many rocks that somebody tossed in my direction as reaction to my comments. Those are the times when that glorious piece of cake beginning has a tendency to feel a little less smooth and a whole lot more like standing and waiting for an avalanche while being totally nude.


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