Monday, October 16, 2006


Isn't life wonderful? Now I think for so many people the answer to that question would depend on the day and time you asked them.

The one thing we do know about life is that whatever something costs today, it will no doubt cost more tomorrow. Yes, the dreaded monster of inflation is always lurking around.

Actually, I think it is a little like a domino affect. I'm not sure where it starts, but somebody decides to raise his or her fees for whatever.

Well then from that juncture naturally the person having to pay that individual's fees is going to have to raise his costs in order to keep from losing ground financially too. From that foundation before long everyone is demanding more.

This is all naturally predictable and a natural order of things. Not necessarily a good one, but one we all understand.

What I have trouble figuring out is when the price of some product goes up there are occasion when the quality goes down. Or the size is reduced so instead of paying more for the same you are paying more for less. I ask you is that fair or justified? Not to me. I didn't say I could change that reality, just that I don't like being on the receiving end.

However, I do love to deal with it on the doling out end. I love sitting there and telling the voters we have to raise taxes and at the same time have to cut back on services. The only difference when I do it is that I'm saying it mainly because I'm trying to save some extra bucks out of the budget for myself.

I imagine somebody might be asking if I have a conscience. To which I would say yes. I just do my best to ignore it and so far I have managed to accomplish that pretty darn well.

As for everyone else, well what can I say? I am aware we do live in the inflation generation. People know the word and what it means. So for me I can sneak in a little extra costs to give myself some gravy and that is a good thing from my view.

Of course I don't tell anyone that naturally. Unless I need their help to perhaps suck some extra funds. That is another glorious element of inflation I do enjoy. Team efforts are always so wonderful.

Shoot the real shame is that you can talk more about the championship in such situations. And that is the real pits.

But I would rather take my crown to the bank (in a secret bank account) than wear it. Fame is one thing, but a padded pocketbook is so much more satisfying. That is of course a Limburger philosophy. I do have a feeling there are others who believe it, just not ready to admit it.


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