Sunday, October 15, 2006


Ah the sweet balm of imagined possibilities. They are always so therapeutic when taken as a medicinal day dream.

And as long as it is play time then it works great. What takes them to a point of becoming like a millstone around the neck is when we translate them into expectations. Those are daydreams we honestly feel are going to happen.

Even that can be wonderful as long as somewhere in all that daydream we weave in a little reality. Which from what I'm experienced doesn't happen very much.

Instead, we write on own version of tomorrow. Then we plug in all the characters, scenarios and consequences that are favorable to OUR story.

When reality comes with its predictable "NO NO, you can't do that" man do we get pissed. And naturally when your dreams get squashed you always are looking for someone to blame other than yourself.

Excuse me if I yawn at this point. Not because I'm upset with somebody else doing that, but with myself doing that.

Yeah, it is fun to mock that mind game being played by others, but it isn't as much fun when I do it to myself. The only problem when life turns hopelessly dull and boring what else is there truly to do in order to keep from going nuts? If you find the perfect answer to that one let me know.

In the meantime, the only balance I've managed is to insert an "yet" into the daydream tapestry. That is where I sit down and stop before that rollercoaster of hope gets out of control.

By saying yet I force myself to say "wait a minute" and then my mind stops long enough to look at the facts. Which can be very disappointing and depressing at times, but not have as upsetting as when you treat your dreams as reality and they bomb when you put them into application.

Still, having said that, I do have the problem of always remembering the word perhaps. That the one word that translates you never know. Meaning there is always the chance something good will happen unexpectedly.

Does it happen enough? Not to suit me. But enough to let me still believe in its magic once and a while.

From what I've seen I'm not alone in that either. I just savor the time though when I get the people who are over the yet portion and not still in the day dream mode. Because the one thing I have learned is that if you are involved with them in the day dream mode, when reality strikes you end up being the one they blame.


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