Saturday, October 07, 2006


For a guy like me who always walks that precipice of risk for what I say, having a good means of escape is very important. In fact there are times when it can be a life saving option. Such as when I'm comforting some lonely housewife and her husband comes back unexpectedly and I barely have time to put on my pants before, um anyway I'm very skilled at figuring out the issue of good means of escape.

For me, no exit places are the ones where you have lied yourself in a corner. That is to make a commitment which you are stuck keeping because the consequences of not doing it are worse that doing whatever it is.

No exits are tricky. They can be so darn deceiving too when you are talking about dealing with people.

Basically, for me it is a case of when I totally misjudge somebody. I think they are a sucker who will believe anything and I let my guard down. So I get over confident and when they ask me to sign something I agree because I figure they are too much of a wimp to ever follow through if I don't do what is in the contract or agreement.

That's when they catch me with my pants down. Jeez is that a pain. Instead of being free I'm stuck. I'm left totally and completely without a single viable exit to take to shirk my responsibility.

About the only redeeming aspect to this whole mess is when I can find some way to getting a pass out of my predicament by pawning off the problem on somebody else. My favorite dodges in that regard are my assistant and also my secretary.

Yeah, I know that kind of sucks in terms of letting them take the fall for my blunder. But I didn't get to the point of success as a weak-kneed, spineless, conniving jelly fish of a scum bag politician by worrying about the feelings of others.

Well, I should qualify that. I do care. In the sense I don't want them to know that I don't care. People who think you care are more prone to bend over when necessary to take it in the end when you lie to them.

But that is all for the necessity of making sure I avoid as many of those no exit situations as possible. I really have to work hard at times to scheme my way out of them. However that is a far better type of work to actually doing any real work.

And as they say, life goes on. At least, for me that translates into the terms of avoiding my responsibilities whenever possible.

Which is a great situation as long as I avoid the issue of the public finding how what I'm really like. That kind of truth is one form of no exit that I definitely never want to reach and I've done my best with the help of my buddy, ace reporter, Hugo Muckraker, in making sure I don't reach that end.


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