Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Do you believe those comments in newspaper articles that reference some event by saying it has never happened before? How the heck can you honestly verify it in some cases?

Frankly I think that is the whole point. They can spread their baloney knowing that there is no way good or bad to prove their claim. Kind of clever don't you think?

I do. I love when you can claim incredibly impossible crap and nobody can prove you are lying. That's a really blessing.

It is like with all those places that claim to be the world's capital of whatever. Or the countless places that claim to sell the world best burger or some other food.

Nobody ever demands that the place back up that claim no matter how bizarre it is. Which makes me jealous. Because as a politician if I come up with some big enough lie people are going to demand I prove it wasn't a lie.

Plus there is always the issue of the title "world famous." That title is nebulous at best since let's face it is anyone going to travel around the world just to verify the claim? I think not.

While we are on that subject there is also the issue of when somebody is touted at the World Champion. That gets really questionable say in a sport that is only played in part of the world. It is like with boxing or wrestling. How the heck do you end up with more than one world champion of the same weight class? They do manage and nobody seems to be too upset by it.

But you know if I was to try and claim to be say, world best politician, oh man would that get a reaction. And not a good one either.

Again I cry foul since that is a rank form of prejudice. We should be able to apply the same rules to politics as other areas where they are allowed to claim their are world whatever? Fair is fair right?

With my luck though I imagine that people would prefer to get rid of the other people claiming to be world whatever rather than cut us politicians a break. Shoot I would ever be willing to pay for the belt or trophy or whatever that would be needed for the politician championship.

See that is the problem. There are too many people who will never appreciate just how sad it is that we have this double standard regarding the whole world thing.

However, I suppose unless things change I will be the lone voice of reason on this subject. Still, I think I will consider checking into the price of a trophy. I wonder if paying for the letters on it would be tax deductable?


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