Friday, October 06, 2006


I'm thinking in this situation of fresh as in something new or unique and refresh as in when the same item affects you in a good way. There really is a difference between something that is fresh and its power to refresh.

For example you can have a new or different tax that is fresh in terms of not happening before, but I can't imagine anyone feel refreshed from a new tax. Unless it is some bureaucrat with a really distorted sense of what helps people.

I mention that because to me that is part of the problem with the way such things as lawmaking work. It is a basic ironic function in our society that the person with the power to make rules seldom has to worry about the effect of that rule.

Hence, there are no personal consequences, not abiding reason to worry that failure or harm will come as a result of such decision. And if a disaster does take place then the person with the power seldom responds in any degree of haste since he or she isn't personally affected by the situation.

No it doesn't matter how many times this process leads to heartache on the part of someone, we never see it change. Oh we might gripe about it, but we never see it actually change.

Why? Well, I think that is obvious, the guy with the power isn't stupid enough to want to risk his or her own butt in the process.

I really can't imagine any politician saying, "hey, I'm going to try living on minimum wage for a while and see what it really like." That is not going to happen.

But knowing this doesn't in anyway inspire change. Unless we have no choice. And then you know what happens? The politicians come out in droves to hog the credit for the change. So you still end up with people like me in charge and happily coveting the illusion they really know what they are doing.

I merely say this as an observation because you can be sure I'm not going to work to change things. Unless by change you include my adding more taxes or any other form of fresh that works mainly for me.

Yep, it sucks, but I figure there is no point in changing things in a way that might give people too much hope. That would never be a good idea. Too much hope leads to too much expectation on some form of refresh. And really do we want that?

I do hope my sharing this little reflection helps to bring a smile to some faces. Those will no doubt belong to some other servant of the people who is snickering because he knows how much fun making people bend over can be.

It's all in a days' work. But since we are too lazy to work, for us it is all in a day of being silly, like the whole system is in the first place.


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