Thursday, October 05, 2006


I think we all understand that most people have some point they reach where in their minds they have a need to invent some story to explain being stupid. It really doesn't matter how smart you are or think you are every once and a while you are going to blow it. And depending on our ego will determine just how much we have to stretch the truth in order to save face and not look like the idiot we truly had been.

Most of the time though what sadly happens is that a person becomes overwhelm by the stress from trying to explain the obvious. When that happens the mind becomes prisoner of the emotions and so one isn't able to approach this issue rationally.

As a result, the story invented ends up going over the top. It becomes such an incredibly putrid and disgusting form of baloney that you couldn't swallow it if you wanted.

That's when if you are the person hearing this crap you end up complaining "oh come on." I mean there is only so much crap a person can handle.

Now what happens at that point when the person knows they've been caught in a lie is that they invent a new lie to replace the last lie you wouldn't believe. Which in some cases will be even more dumb and stupid than the first lie.

Being a veteran of somebody spewing out way too much of this kind of crap I know how frustrating it is to have to keep inventing new lies to replace the one's that don't work. What bothers me the most is that no matter how many times you blow it with this kind of thing, it doesn't stop a person from trying it again.

I suppose about the only redeeming thing to come out of any of this is that with practice at least the lies get more inventive and creative. And sometimes I do even luck out and the "oh come on" lie actually works.

Well it does for a moment. Later naturally when the person gets sick at the stomach from finding how the baloney you fed them was completely tainted with lies, they will no doubt be a little pissed. Enough to remember the moment should you try it again. Which you probably will.

What I love about being in politics is that the 'oh come on' situations always allow you to peddle them in a way that some other bozo gets blamed for the comments. The bigger the government the bigger the number of people you can point the finger at.

It is all in a days work from my point of view. Perhaps work might be a tad of a stretch though. Still, I have been paid for being in office so I look at this little tongue detour as part of my job.

It might not be so in the mind of some, But it works for me. Actually there is very little in that regard that doesn't work for me as long as I don't look in the mirror when inventing the truth with my own "oh come now."


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