Monday, October 02, 2006


Ah yes, progress. Isn't it a wonderful thing? I think so. And it is even better when you don't have to invent or lie about it.

Real progress, particularly in terms of society and government is in my opinion very rare. The reason isn't particularly surprising for progress happens through change.

And to anyone associated with the government in the capacity of say being a bureaucrat, change is normally the last thing you desire. Unless that change and or progress is the result of your choice. That way you can massage the facts so it appears there is change, when in fact none took place.

As a career politician I am well aware of this fact. I am also aware of the reality that far too many voters do expect change and progress.

Therein lies the inevitable problem. There is always and will always be a big gap between the desires of the voters and those employed by the government.

Hey, I'm just being honest here. I'm sure that more than one civil servant would claim they welcome change. Of course if you let them explain their desire you find out that they aren't quite as motivated to change the way the public things change should occur.

From my view the primary role of elected officials includes the need to somehow satisfy the public's need for change while not causing undo stress to the career bureaucrats that would disrupt their own private red tape utopia. It can be a challenge to be sure.

I do the best I can to accommodate both groups in my city by a simple way. I stall. Yep, I do my level best to create as many committees as possible that can deal with this whole mess and make it look like something is going to happen.

My favorite committees are the ones I invent that have as part of their name or purpose the words, "fact finding or study committee." I always make sure these committees are spoon feed my version of the facts so what I desire ends up being what I want to be the results of their meetings.

Plus I do my best to pick people who are totally unqualified to be on a committee. My excuse is that I am striving for "balance" and fairness. Which is really exactly the opposite of my intention.

In the end the main progress that takes place is that I create more lies and illusions without actually changing anything. Well, except for possibly increasing taxes. That really is the part I love the most. Vagueness and stagnation, but at a higher price is for me the greatest form of moving right along.

I just can't afford to mention it that way to anyone else. Still, when it is correctly expressed in a speech, ah the progress that sounds good, but never happens!


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