Friday, October 20, 2006


As I see it the most basic meaning to this is you are living in a way that involves risk. There are all kinds of risk, but one thing we all understand is that such living involves a certain degree of courage. It can also involve a whole lot of stupid if you are trying to life with the kind of risk that can put you behind bars or other dire consequences.

In reality we all live dangerously to some degree. Or perhaps your body is immune to the potential dangers of something like cholesterol when you are gobbling down some big, juicy burger. Ahem, that means it is embarrassing to me also, but I will try to move and not keep dwelling on that flaw in my life.

Anyway, for me there is the type of dangerous where you risk something as simple as say a parking space if you are running late. Or perhaps it might be doing something that will risk an impression with somebody you don't care that much about impressing.

Those are mild kinds of living dangerous. They have simple risks that nobody worries about that much. Basically the safe kind of risks that most of us have the courage to try.

It is when you get beyond the ordinary that you have to really worry. The more uncertainty the more people will not live dangerously.

You can see that with the fact of those who take the easy road of working for a guaranteed wage as opposed to commission. They may not feel they are a good salesman so better to take the small bag of cash you know you will get next week for sure than have to deal with counting on your ability to sell whatever.

I'm not finding fault here, I'm simply making an observation. Why, because I want to. Okay maybe it is more than that. The plain truth is that I've gotten a tad frustrated lately trying to cope with some of my employees whose idea of living dangerous is watching an R rated movie.

No, I'm not exaggerating. Think about it. Would you be content living in dullsville and being mediocre for a daily living if you had options?

I don't know that I mind them being boring and dull. It does cut down on my having to worry about one of them being clever enough to try and steal my job.

But jeez, come on, don't pretend you like it. Come on have the courage to be honest and admit I'm a loser and proud of it. I'm way too much of wimp to ever risk anything so I'm just going to sit in my little miserable cocoon and tolerate the misery.

I could live with that approach from them. Hey, nobody says it is a crime to be bland. It might produce a ton of yawns, but so what?

I just wish I could get my employees to appreciate that. Nope, no such luck. They are all too busy trying to explain the risk involved with sorting your sock drawer on Saturday because you can't get a date.


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