Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I always enjoy working with experts. Not really experts you understand. Only ones that think they are experts in their minds.

Such people are so helpful. You can never succeed in explaining to them the smallest details well enough to get them to just take you word when you need something. I'm not talking about big things. Normally it is small things, that might seem earth shaking to me, but they never see them as important.

So naturally you end up having to try and explain to Mr. or Ms. Genius why want whatever. Which gets to be really annoying because normally they end up interrupting and never actually hear what I say. But they think know what I'm going to say and that is even worse from my view.

The other day for example, I need some staples. Which is obviously because I had run out and needed them for my stapler.

Admittedly, most of the time my secretary handles any needs in terms of office supplies. But I do have a stapler and in this case I had some papers I needed to stapler that I didn't want her to have to see. Primarily because with my secretary she translates any such papers and a total form of anxiety.

She always imagines that somewhere in the papers I'm planning on cutting out her job. It definitely isn't one of my priorities. I'm smart enough to know that it would be next to impossible to get anyone to work as cheap as she does. Oh I could find a brain dead person I suppose, but I doubt they would try to do a decent job.

At first I tried to solve my staple needs by not telling her. However, the moment I opened the door to the supply closet, whoa, disaster. She screamed and practically fainted.

Then I made up this story about doing a general inspection. Edna did calm down to some degree, but honestly she was still in a tizzy when I hurried down the hall.

Now my next plan of attack was to try and seek out some other department where I could borrow a few staples. That's when I encountered way to many experts. Oh everyone expected details.

I got to the point where I just wanted to yell, "Forget why I want them for crying out loud and just bring them anyway." Only I did avoid that choice.

Alas I had to eventually sneak out the building and find a local stationary store. By the time the experts got through and the grapevine was operational oh brother they had lay offs coming and even worse.

So naturally I took the rest of the afternoon off and then by the next morning that crisis was over. Just in time for the next one when I commented we were out of sugar in the break room.


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