Sunday, September 17, 2006


The concept of spring fever is one that has always fascinated me. I view this as an issue of people feeling a stirring to roam and be outdoors after the long winter months of being cooped up inside. That is a very natural thing as far as I'm concerned.

Providing you decide to do normal things when the weather warms. When I say normal, I mean normal in the sense of doing whatever you would otherwise do when it was warmer.

I'm not going to define it, just to say that for me that translates into doing things I would enjoy doing. We're talking in my case of things such as driving with the top down. I'm speaking of if you have a convertible and not something such as taking off your toupee.

So for me more than anything it is about a sensible and comfortable approach to the subject of enjoying the sun. Nothing bizarre or weird. Those I don't need to be outdoors to do.

What I have trouble understanding is people who decide to venture forth during the spring and do things that aren't normal. Such as somebody who is generally a couch potato and decides to take up jogging in hopes of having a figure like a movie star by summer time.

So you see them as they are shaped like an egg and dressed in some expensive jogging suit go waddling down the road. In reality you have to luck out to see them since they will most likely only be out there once and then for maybe a couple of blocks.

Now I ask you, is that really sanity. Not from my point of views. I mean really if you want to rock your world, be consistent about it. That is all I ask.

Getting crazy and suddenly taking up some extreme life style change that you will never stick with is hardly sanity to me. That just isn't not going to benefit you.

After all if you wear yourself out by the end of spring so you are too tired and achy to enjoy the summer where did you gain. Which is why I prefer to try and sneak up on spring.

By that I mean I start out small. I drive my car with the windows rolled down. Not very far you understand. Just enough to get the sensation of being outdoors.

Then I reward myself for this moderation by celebrating. But then I do it in a way that doesn't get extreme in terms of change.

I drive to my favorite watering hole and savor some well deserved libation. And in the cool of that dimly lit climate I quietly rejoice that I have exercised restraint.

I do confess that I would quietly rejoice even if I didn't. But saying it that way just sounds more impressive from my point of view. Cheers!


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