Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Oh yeah the wonderful "trust me ploy." You just can never go wrong with those bargains where you say, if you do this, I'll do that. It almost always works with somebody you haven't lied to before.

Pity it doesn't work with people who have memories. But some darn people just never forget when you have managed to lie to them and rip them off. Darn it all, I wish they could appreciate how hard it is to constantly come up with new people to steal from all the time.

Even in Mediocrity we only have so many people we can fool. You can't get them all to buy into your baloney forever. Sooner or later the brain dead to get resurrected enough to ask, huh?

So all you can seek for is to rip a person off and then later, much, much later hopefully blindside them when they are distracted so you can do it again. Now those truly are special memories from my point of view.

At least to me they are. Which is why I never lose my need to hone my fertilizer spreading whenever possible.

But this being the age of technology I never stop at this level. I wouldn't let most people know, but I did avail myself of my computer to help track my baloney file. Basically to be sure I don't screw up by accident.

So I have carefully logged each lie related to being Mayor and who I told it too. Why I even have a little laptop I can take with me just in case I need a quick check of the data.

This little tool has been an invaluable aid in this do this and program. I have even in fact logged in the lies and promises told to me.

Of course that is mainly for revenge. I love to trap some other jerk in a big fat lie, especially another politician.

Then I can shout, liar, liar and point out what a jerk the person is. Afterwards, I get the joy of claiming to be shocked by such dishonesty and vow to never act the same way.

Which in reality comes down to me doing the same thing, but not doing it in a way that I could get caught. I just don't bother to define it that way. That is one of those little issues of simply not bothering to include a detail, which I see as a reasonable option.

Ah it is sweet to pretend. And even more so when you don't have to mention that to somebody.

I call it stopping to smell the roses. True, they are really weeds, but why do I need to toss in that little detail as long as I can get people to believe me instead of their senses.


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