Saturday, September 09, 2006


I love planning things. I think I would even love it more if my plans worked out more because of what I did instead of pure, dumb luck.

But you know, I have a feeling that happens to a lot of people. Not that they will admit it of course. That would never do.

And you absolutely can't do it if you are in politics. People simply would not warm up to somebody as an elected official saying, well I did my best, but I blew it and things worked out despite my bungling efforts.

As I sit and plot and plan the one thing I have come to appreciate is that regardless of how organized you are and how well you plan things, something always occurs to mess things up. Some call that Murphy's Law.

Personally, I have a feeling that in reality Murphy was probably an angel of some kind and he was just tossing out the facts that he knew was heaven's attitude towards our efforts to play god. And isn't that in reality what planning is all about anyway?

Not trying to get all spiritual or anything, but let's face it, planning is a form of control. It is our way of saying, I can do what I want and when I want because I am in charge.

Only problem is that things never work out quite as planned. Some little thing will go wrong and will totally throw off the whole planning deal.

Fortunately for me as long as I have somebody to blame I'm happy. That way I don't have to admit it was my fault and that helps keep the guilt from being too much of a problem.

What I really like is when the person I pick out to take the fall tries to deny being at fault. The moment they do that it is practically and admission of guilt in the eyes of the public.

It is one of those fickle things about people. If you confess being at fault for something people figure you are telling the truth. But if you say your are not guilty they have a tendency to feel you are lying.

So even if you are innocent you will most likely be viewed as guilty regardless. That is unless you have some killer reputation for honesty and I don't know anyone like that as a rule.

Which is why when I find the right fall guy I love it because they will naturally keep claiming they are innocent. I know they are innocent, but I'm hardly going to agree. It just works so much better to see them keep denying their guilt and the whole time people are nodding and saying "yeah right, you guilty swine!"

Ah the memories that brings back. In fact I need to rush off because I have somebody to frame right now. Gosh I wish that project I planned for turning that nursing home into a parking lot and worked out. Oh well, the building inspector I framed to take the fall is a jerk anyway.


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