Friday, September 15, 2006


Fair to me is one of those words that has meaning depending on whether you feel you got treated the way you wanted. Absolute fairness from my view doesn't exist. So we each have our own yardstick in that regard. At least as far as I'm concerned.

With some people the big problem is no matter what you do they would never regard it as fair. The same people generally are never happy or even capable of being so. Regardless of what happens they will find something to complain about, which means for them fair will never occur.

Their idea of fair is essentially they get everything they want. But no matter how much you gave them it still wouldn't be everything. That is my point, with such people fair can never be achieved. The best you can expect from such individuals is that you will be able to do something that was good enough so they would complain. You sure couldn't expect them to say thank you or even make a passing uplifting comment.

So when you rule out such individuals it leaves you with the few who do have a reasonable concept of fair enough. For those few and rare persons they will actually be content with a reasonable level of fairness.

The problem is such people are rare rather than the rule. Which is why you hear so much about fair enough from people who don't feel they ever find it.

The other element to me is that this whole deal is related to the bigger problem of the fact that life itself is never fair enough. It might be equitable to some degree for some people, but fair never.

Now as a politician we have to deal with that reality. But that doesn't mean people want to hear about such reality.

So much of what ends up being politics from my point of view then is mainly about creating the illusion that fairness is possible. It is all crap, but it doesn't matter. Nobody wants to hear that.

Which is why I spend more time creating lies in speeches for the purpose of inspiring such and perpetuating such a myth. People love to hear everything is going to be alright.

They don't want to hear the ship is sinking due to incompetence and all the lifeboats have holes in them and there are no life preservers. Plus there are sharks in the water who are very hungry so even if you could tread water long enough for a ship that is six hundred miles away to reach us you still wouldn't survive.

Nope, what they want to hear is that the ship is fine. It is just being washed for maintenance reasons. And we might have to have people try their hand at swimming lessons till the washing is over. At the same time you can get a chance to enjoy our aqua petting zoo. Pretty clever huh? It works right up tell the sharks say ahhh.


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