Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I heard a saying about those who can do and those who can't teach. I think I would prefer to amend that to speak about how those who can't lie. Not saying teachers are liars. Only that just because you can't do something doesn't mean you don't want to make others believe you can.

Thus is the essence of what I have to content with. There are a lot of things I can not do. However as a Mayor, which is as good as an excuse as I can think of, there are just a great many things I know I have to create the illusion that I'm good at.

Still, I am also willing to admit that even if I didn't need to do so as Mayor there are some things that if I couldn't do them I would probably claim that I did. Why? Well, I guess the easy answer is because I can.

Okay I'm sure some might groan at such a comment. It might sound way too trite, but the plain fact is that it really does work for me.

I suppose I should have some valid reason. However the simple reality is that it just feels good. Which is for me as good an excuse as any.

And I guess the main reason I feel that way is because there are times like anyone when I truly want to believe in more. That is in terms of me being better than who I am.

There are just times when lying doesn't cut it. That simply doesn't work in terms of being enough as far as I'm concerned. What it does is get to me the most then I crave the need to be something other than what I am.

Gosh I guess I'm rambling a bit. The bottom line I suppose resides in my basic essence being like everyone else.

Only with the crinkle that I got to wear a mask. Well okay, I would probably put on that thing even if I didn't have to. I have gotten sort of used to it over the years.

But the important thing is that I am trying in my own futile way to expound on how there are those who can't do that still can do with their tongues. And speaking for all the tongue doers out there I just want to say, "Well done! I'm proud of you, bravo, you've done great."

My feeling is even lazy, lying scum need a little encouragement too at times. It only seems fair as far as I'm concerned.

After all you can get all the people out there you want to pay tribute to the good people. But shoot they may even fan clubs.

So I want to root and cheer the non doers out there. The horde of those without talent who have a heart for doing, just not any ability. Maybe someday you too can do more than lie, but till then, make it a good lie.


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