Monday, August 14, 2006


Wouldn't it be nice if this was for good times only? Yeah we could sit back and boast about how at times like these, I just feel almost divine. Sounds good.

But then you know you have to be careful about taking things to that level anyway since claiming to be almost divine carries with it the risk of being barbecued by a few thunderbolts. And those are times I don't care to share in.

Now maybe there are people who are able and do say times like these in a good way. I haven't personally encountered them, but I'm sure they probably exist. Just like I haven't personally ever been anywhere that people lived in a constant state of happiness. Such a place might exist also, I just have no idea where.

All I do know is that where I live this isn't a reality. It is hardly Oz, except perhaps for the strange characters. Which in a way is a good thing since it helps give the boredom some variety.

Regardless of that benefit the times like these definitely doesn't apply to a good term where I hang my hat. Actually, that is a place other than my house or Mayor's office. It is that wonderful location where I get to pretend I'm special and some nice friendly ladies comfort me with, er, um I guess I shouldn't elaborate too much on that part.

I do have to admit that I would truly savor the opportunity to enjoy more times like these that involve a sigh of satisfaction. Oh yeah, I can definitely say that would be a pure joy at times.

Instead I get the grumpy, frumpy ghouls that shuffle into my office because they work for me and want to share the great and glorious joys of life without sanity. They naturally never ask if in anyway want to hear the details, they just presume I will thrive on hearing the tidbits of gloom they feel I can't live without knowing.

Which results with me ending up with my own moments of times like these that I would prefer to forget. I have figured out how yet, but I'm working on it.

So far the only known cure I've come up with involved a headstone and plot. That is not what I call a good solution at the moment. Although, there are times when I admit that is a big problem enough that I do toy with it as an alternative.

Then I ponder eternity and can't help appreciating I have no way of knowing if eternity has a few of times like these too. You know it might be written the fine print of the scriptures that the scribes managed to forget to translate.

I know, leave it to me to think of that. What a joy that would be. Only somehow if that was the truth, I think it would be more of a disappointment to the people who thought heaven is supposed to be perfect. For the rest of us if we end up in eternity and there is a waiting room where you have to pick a number and you get five billion and they are waiting on two, well, I'll be the only smiling then.


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