Thursday, August 10, 2006


Come on gang you can do it. Honest it isn't the end of the world regardless of what some people claim.

I know in this grab all you can, winner take all, losers are the scum of the world mentality making mistakes are often looked upon as bad. And naturally, nobody wants to look bad. Even if we do make mistakes too often, we don't love admitting it.

Which is why I developed for myself the philosophy that blowing it once and a while is a good thing. Not enough so you feel bad about it, but enough to relax.

It is so hard to live in a world that has so little tolerance for error. I think it is connected to the fact that deep down we all know we are going to blow it from time to time. We just don't have a plan to broadcast it to the world.

In a way, I do understand. There are professions where we would be really nervous if the person got up and declared their flaws. Would you want to fly on a jet plane with a pilot that said something like "well folk, wish me luck, I got a headache and feel real crappy, but don't worry, if I blow it, I'll be sure to give you enough to pray before we smack into the ground."

Nope I don't think I want to book a ticket on that plane. And therefore admittedly we need the illusions at times. Those little moments when we hug a cloud of delusion and say "come on baby rain just for me." Translation, we need those lies to keep ourselves sane in some cases.

Still, if we aren't surgeon, firefighter or any other profession where somebody's life is on the line then can't we just be happy to be us? I have a feeling the head might not yes, but the mind says no way!

So I guess we will always have to do it the hard way. To keep ourselves playing this silly little foolishness.

Although I think I would be willing to take a shot at trying to pretend I'm less perfect if a few more people would join me. Now all I have to do is find enough people are willing to go first.

Not that I'm saying I don't trust others. It is just I think we do at times have trouble being first unless it involves a right to brag. Yeah, that's us isn't it?

Okay, so now that we feel better for having said it I think we can get back to our real lives. They may not be honest, but it is a bit overrated anyway.

Next stop, the local bar. If we can fix the world maybe we can at least drown our disappointments till they seem perfect. See you there, best person with the most convincing lie about their day, wins!


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