Monday, August 07, 2006


Now those are the perfect options to me, if I'm doing the taking. It is a matter of what I take. Sort of a greedy person's idea of heaven. And who could ask for more than that right?

See with give or take you have to do some bartering and there is an element of risk. With this it is an issue of decided how much your going to take and from where. It is like going shopping.

In that sense then there are the situations where you know you have a shot at getting whatever you want. So you have to decide what is the most appealing. Ah, the joy, rapture, no worrying about pleasing or lying, just if your arms are going to get tired from all the grabbing.

Perhaps for me the best time for this is as a politicians. The beauty of taxes as a form of taking is absolutely glorious. I don't have to worry about figuring out where to grab anything there is just this big joy of grabbing and doing it legally. Who could ask for more?

The real fun is knowing people will gripe over the issue of taxes, but they know they have to pay them. So no big deal there. Oh they don't like the idea of this kind of taking, but everyone knows they are stuck with the bill.

In that regard there is such a joy for me since I don't even have to lie about why I'm taking. It is just, taxes. And if they don't like no big deal.

What I truly love though is being able to nail somebody who is trying to cheat on his taxes in some lame way. I get to give them my "for the good of all" speech. I do everything I can to try and make them feel guilty over not doing their fair share as a citizen.

Now the whole time, I'm not paying taxes myself. Course I'm not stupid enough to tell them that. It would spoil the game.

I know it stinks in some people's opinion. Like I give a darn. This is life people. You want fair, go buy a board game.

Meanwhile, the game continues. I get to take, and take again. Then after taking what I can from wherever I can, I take out of what I took for the city for myself. I figure I need the practice.

I'm sure people will snicker at that idea. But it really does take practice to be good at anything. The only problem is convincing others that this whole process is a good thing. Normally it doesn't work so I don't bother. As I sit somewhere squandering my taking I generally find ways to feel good about it just the same. Life can be funny at times and the taking part done correctly just makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.


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