Sunday, August 06, 2006


I'm a big fan of giving. I give all the time. I give grief, attitude and in general a reason to cause a person's blood pressure to go ballistic. Yep, I'm a real giver alright.

Naturally I do try to balance all that wonderful giving, but doing some taking too. In some cases I'm so good that I actually give while taking. If I take away somebody's gold, I'm kind enough to give them some sadness in the process. Now who could ask for more than that?

Okay, I can feel the sneers. There are just so many people out there with an odd sense of what giving is. They thing giving is giving something that helps people. I mean that the person thinks they need. Isn't that so darn silly?

After all, there are plenty of places you can find to help you take care of some need in terms of money or whatever. But who spends their time filling the need of making sure you are a victim of being too gullible? Isn't that important?

The way I see it I'm in the business of guiding people to a more self-reliant type of life. One where you learn people are basically liars and crooks so you can't trust them. To me that is such an important lesson.

And how can you honestly achieve than better than by giving people at object lesson they will never forget. I think that kind of giving lasts forever.

But do I ever get any thanks for such an effort? Do people come to me and show their gratitude for the times I end up victimizing them to help make sure they don't let it happen afterwards? Heck no!

And what do I ask in return for teaching people such a valuable lesson? All I ask is a small compensation in terms of what any good teacher would deserve. I think that is fair.

However, it doesn't seem to be that way to others. Can you believe the nerve of some people to actually complain about my efforts.

I tell you it is truly a sad world we live in when people just lack the capacity to adequately appreciate when someone as giving as I am works so hard to educate my fellow man. This doesn't discourage me naturally.

And each time I go to the bank and put that tuition money I obtained from teaching people how not to be suckers just gives me a sense of pride. As I stick the money in that safe deposit box till I can transfer it to my Swiss bank account, I do feel a special rush of satisfaction.

Naturally, I never share my labors with people like the income tax folks. After all I do abide by the rule that giving ought to be done in secret.


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