Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Yep it is a special silly language where it only makes sense to the person doing the talking. And I for one enjoy it.

In particular situation the joy comes from being able to inspire such comments as a politician without in any way worrying people will complain. It really is true in many situations. When I need to cover my behind and have to do it with a speech it is so much fun because I can resort to my special little double talk verbiage and that truly is so much fun.

I didn't say that everyone shares my opinion. Yet when I dig out my thesaurus and start bantering a lot of big words, what I see is a lot of blank stares with that predictable "huh" on their faces. However none of them bothers to come to me afterwards and say, "what the heck were you talking about?"

That is mainly because they know the big words are words and they don't want to embarrass themselves by admitting they didn't understand them. In fact what really cracks me up is when they actually come up afterwards and say something silly like "boy that sure was a great speech." Liars!

Still, I resort to it as a defense mechanism. After all there are situations when I simply can't afford to let anyone know I'm covering up for some really bungled effort. I do have an image to protect you know, even if it isn't a legitimate one.

For me it is all part of the grander scheme of stupidity. That is my private pet name for all this silliness. And I'm darn proud of it.

I didn't say that I admit that to my voters or anyone other than my private inner circle of conmen. We love that option. It makes for some truly inspiring conversations. Well inspiring to us naturally, not sure anyone else would see it that way.

Meanwhile, on my inebriated occasions we take the time to make a joint effort to pen some joyful dribble. And if we work it right we naturally arrange for a few plants in the audience to applaud our efforts.

If we play our little game well enough, it really does confuse even more than just words. The people who aren't in our game sit there and look around and then not wanting to seem like idiots will start applaud too.

After that if the applause is convincing enough then nobody dares to come up and say, "What did you say?" That is the great joy.

I'm all tuckered out at the moment from sharing this joy so I think I call it a day. Plus I do have to work on a new speech about the current economic conditions in our city. I'm sure by the time I get done, it will make no sense whatever. But I know it won't matter once the applause starts.


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