Saturday, August 12, 2006


Is it so much fun to daydream? You get to turn imagination's faucet on and for a while you can be anything you want, anywhere you want and most of anyone you want. And the truly great thing is in such fantasies life is always perfect.

Wouldn't it be great if we had a way to turn real life into such dreams? I know I would be jazzed to have a shot at just one such dream coming true. That would be so wonderful. Not practical, but wonderful just the same.

So why am I waltzing down the road obvious and towards the predictable? I guess it is a survival mechanism for when life serves up and extra helpful of crap for a given week. That seems to be the time when my brain says, "run away, run away."

Only problem is I hate exercise and even though I'm not prone towards caring about always telling the truth, I just hate to call it running, when I'm going to drive. Okay you might be going huh, right now, so call it a whim or stab of pride, but there are times even I don't feel comfortable taking the easy way out.

Which is why I like the daydream option. I can at least in my mind solve my problems and that makes me happy to some degree.

Now the whole reason I bring this up is because I am aware that I'm not alone is being someone who goes through that process. Lots of people, if not everyone loves playing that kind of escape game.

Most of the time it is a harmless enough adventure. And if you are prone to a more than slightly bent approach then you might even want to be sure you don't share you dreams. Trust me that is definitely a prudent choice with some people.

Heck in my situation as a politician I have to be extra careful. I might understand how it gives me goose bumps to imagine the joys of truly being free to victimize everyone I know. Now that would be wonderful. At least in my dreams.

I don't know, but people in that regard are just not very understanding about one being utterly twisted if you are an elected official. Somehow they just aren't as inclined to want to trust an elected official if he suddenly gets the urge to confess some dark fantasy.

You can think them and they may even give you a reason to smirk, but it doesn't translate into necessarily meaning you can be free to admit the cause for a smile. So one ends up playing the game.

That translates into doing your best to fake it when somebody rambles on and on about how they find a given behavior despicable. And the whole time it happens to be something you do as a habit. It really can be tough saying, "oh yes, I agree that is awful. Absolutely shocking."

It can be a fun game though. Providing you have developed a good enough poker face to not get exposed for what you dream all the time.


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