Friday, August 04, 2006


I'm sure you have heard the old saying about having to spend money to make money? Well let me ask you something. Is there any situation where you actually can get something without spending money?

So doesn't it make that saying more than a little silly when you think about it? Frankly you might as well say something as absurd as you have to spend money to spend money. Like anybody has to be told that?

Anyway the idea came to me. There is this suggestion that saving money is good and spending it is bad. But what is the real reason a person tries to save money? Well, to have it later as in the case of emergency is one thought.

Let's say you don't have an emergency then what other reason is there? The other idea might be to get rich. A noble concept to be sure. Only I'm not persuaded you can get that rich by just saving money. Unless you are saving money above and beyond what you normally get. Because to me the average person hardly can save the kind of money to become filthy, stinking and brag about level of rich! Not from the way I see it.

Nope, I think that the option is to spend money and then steal the extra. Oh I realize that sounds absurd to some. Which is why I take the approach of lying about it. I didn't say I will actually admit to stealing it. Just that I will plan to steal it.

Naturally that does fly in the face of those who would be trying to steal the money themselves. Those I consider as a form of competition and there is only one way to deal with them, rat them out.

I can hear the groans of hypocrisy. And personally I agree. However, if it means I get an extra buck in my pocket, then I'm happy.

Now you might ask why even bother to mention this in the first place? Well, it is simple, I just want to take the time in my effort to share life in a more practical vein to offer up a sensible approach to spending.

However you might be blessed to live a life where you don't have a horde of greenback leeches to try and drain you dry. Mine as very diligent at figuring new a creative ways to suck money out of my pocket.

I consider it a form of inspiration I suppose. A special way to help justify my own greed. It might not sound impressive, but it works for me. Actually most things work for me if I figure out the best lie to tell about it.

It is the joy that makes things all worthwhile in their own way. A smile surrounded by an aura of gold. Hopefully one coming from real gold too. Which is better than tin foil when forced to eat leftovers when you screw up on some plot. Been there too. Not a memory I prefer to celebrate obviously.


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