Monday, July 31, 2006


Now there is the good kind of come and get it and the bad kind. The good kind leaves you smiling and feeling warm all over. The bad kind can leave you with some broken bones or damaged organs.

I see the come and get it issue as one of compensation. And the trick is to be sure you get the good kind of reward. Now contrary to popular opinion of course reward isn't bad upon whether you did a good deed or bad deed.

Personally I think that is social propaganda design to get you to believe bad gets punished and good gets reward. I think most people figure out relatively fast that is a joke. Probably while in grade school when you see some conniving and backstabbing suck up get the A's from being teacher's pet.

Well, that's my slant on the issue of cause and effect in terms of behavior. Which is why when I talk about come and get it I'm speaking of making sure the come and get it part is not revenge, but the consequence of investment.

For me investment is the transitory issue of seeing the best way to utilize one's talents and resources to maximize the results. That isn't about good or bad for me it is about being careful.

So if I'm going to rip someone off I want to make sure the come and get it I end up with is a pay off for my lies, not being pulverized by someone pissed because I stole from them. It is just a matter of being practical.

But that is the Limburger survival system for getting through a day and not feeling a need to give a crap about your fellow man. Yep, you read that right.

Come on folks, let's be honest here, don't you get tired of dealing with the saintly people who are really demons in disguise. They will claim to have prayed about it before they steal you blind. And if the come and get it you go after is to try and get revenge they go nuts with wanting you to feel guilty for wanting to get even.

Now wouldn't you rather be victimized by a guy like me who is going to abuse you're rights and you know up front I'm going to lie about it. I promise I won't even claim I prayed about it first.

Oh I might prey in the other way, like stalking and devouring, but I'm sure that wouldn't surprise you. So cheer up little buttercup, life goes on and you can be sure that in the process I'm going to do my share to spread the joys on a practical level of the come and get it that counts.

So just go out and prosper and be happy. That way when you are fat and happy I'll know who to suck dry first. Yep, come and get it has another meaning and that one is even juicier if you work it right!


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