Wednesday, August 02, 2006


As I see it this can apply to one of two choices. The first is deodorant, the second is a gun. Both offer a form of protection only the latter needs bullets.

However the one good thing about the latter type is if you offend, so what? Somebody gives you too much of a hassle and your whip it out and bang! Problem solved.

At least you solve the problem of dealing with some jerk. What you don't do is take care of other problems. Like witnesses who will lie and say they'll never say a word when you got a gun pointed at their heads, but the moment you're gone they are screaming "he did it, he did it, he did it!"

So you end up hoping you run out of witnesses before you run out of bullets. Then there is all that mess to clean up and blood doesn't exactly clean up that easy.

Which is why I don't recommend that form of under arm protection. It is just too much trouble. As for the former, oh yeah, by all means go for it.

Only be realistic about it. Deodorant will not make you more appealing or attractive. You could take a bath in deodorant and still end up offending people if you have a stinking bad attitude towards life.

So it is safe to say regular deodorant is a good thing and legal, but honestly it isn't going to make life perfect. And it sure would get rid of the pesky, annoying creeps like the latter form of under arm protection.

Thus I'm working on an alternative. Sort of a combination of the two. Basically using some help with the latter kind of under arm protection. The type you hire out to well, not blast the pest completely. Maybe just maim or crippled a tad. Yes, I said a tad.

Then you need the first kind of under arm protection when the boys in blue decide to pay you a visit. Sweating too much is a definite give away that your lying. That a bright red face will get you in trouble every time.

On a more peaceful alternative you could just manage to sabotage the other person's deodorant. Something that will really piss them off.

And in the process while they are pissing and moaning over the way their deodorant isn't doing the job, you can smile because their under arm pain is for you a form of protection. Pretty clever huh? I thought so.

So go forth and safe yourself from the perils of sweating. Maybe even in the process you get in some much needed target practice.

Only naturally you didn't hear that from me. But a word to the wise is sufficient as long as they are wearing a wire.


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