Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Yep, this is one thing I've had personal experience in life and would avoid whenever possible. It really is a nuisance to say the least when you respond out of need to a given situation and then later find out all you get for the effort is grief.

I can't say this is necessarily a good thing, but it does end up one of those joyous events that happens way to often too all of us, unfortunately. And the only truly good thing I can say about such situations is the relief that comes when you get a chance to dole out the pain to somebody else for a change.

It is just too bad that there is no balance in that regard. You don't get an equal number of times to ream out the other dude to equal the times you get the shaft. That is the part that truly makes this whole deal even more annoying.

However I have been working on the philosophy of how to improve the joy you can have in such situations. My conclusion? Well I think the best way to enhance such moments of gut wrenching annoyance is to lie. Not to yourself, but to others.

How does that help? For me I guess it is in the illusion you can inspire in others. You might have taken a real reaming on a given situation, but if you know how to spread it on thick enough you can rejoice that somebody will think you were the victor.

That might seem like a silly approach, but hey there is nothing that to me is more satisfying that making somebody think of you in a positive way even if the truth has no relationship to it. I know there are plenty of people that might think such a philosophy is absurd, but not to me.

See the reality is if you think about it, doesn't the approval of others matter to most people? From what I have observed people really do crave approval. We don't mind lying about it if it ends up letting us enjoy a good image.

So what if the truth sucks? So what if in reality you are a failure. As long as you can find one person to think otherwise, you can reduce the regret part from being hasty.

And that is a condition I currently find myself. I did my best in a given situation to make the right and smartest choices. Only well, I was a bit hasty in my process.

What can I say? When a beautiful young blonde girl knocks on my door to sell me magazine subscriptions and hints that a sale will affect her gratitude, I buy subscriptions.

Now I have to wait a few weeks to find out all the subscriptions I did end up ordering since I was distracted at the time by watching that part of her body that Mother Nature had so well endowed. But that's okay, I'm sure I can figure a way to dump the magazines off on somebody else. They think I'm a great guy for being so generous. And unless I admit the truth, I don't mind being thought of as generous. It is better than being thought of as a pervert even if I am one.


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