Thursday, August 17, 2006


In my continuing effort to address the joys of coming and all its vast possibilities I could hardly to it justice without getting to the let part. That is to venture into a given arena of interest or obsession and then let it happen. It being whatever you want to have happen from the coming part.

Is this an important thing? If you have to ask then perhaps you really haven't given it much thought. Which is understandable to a degree since I imagine most of the time we handle this kind of thing by instinct.

Honestly, don't we often react out of habit or nature instead of premeditation? We want something, we crave it and we come to a point of trying to achieve it. If that means we have to let something happen to us in the process. Then oh well.

Hopefully it is a good thing we are allowing. If not, then we have to pray the disaster is minimal.

In part it is a gamble. But risk doesn't have to strangle us. Not if we can minimize the consequences.

How do you accomplish that? It can be a challenge. Basically it is an issue of finding that right person to take the fall if things go wrong.

That is all that difficult. It is called having a partner. Only you just keep things vague in some ways to be sure the other person gets stuck with the tab.

I admit I might be a tad obscure in my posting for this conversation. However, I can't say too much either. Otherwise I might end up revealing some trade secrets in regards to protecting myself when rushing stupidly into a dangerous option.

You just got to find the right person to point the finger at if needed and shout "he did it, he did it," when the cavalry or savages arrive. And you would be surprised how easy that is if you sucker punch the person with the right kind of lie.

But of course this all requires a lack of conscience. Guilt can be such a pain in the butt to cope with at times.

So my advice it be sure you can numb those stabbing sensations. Whatever poison best works for you.

Ah, it is to dream. I love it when I can reflect on the glory days of come and let it when the letting is a good thing.

The big challenge is to compensation for the letting when it is not so good. I have to cope and that is made easy with a smile of knowing some other poor slob took the fall for the letting.


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