Tuesday, April 11, 2006


What can I really say about this little comment? I’m going to try though. Mainly because I truly enjoy the times I can say it. On occasion I even mean it, which is rare fortunately for me.

So what am I really talking about in this situation? I’m speaking pretending to be sorrowful about some plight by expressing regret that such condition had to happen. The important part is making it sound like you really care, when you could care less.

What I find most amusing is the number of times this happens in our society and nobody wants to admit it. What I can sense is that we love the illusion of caring, but not the expense. Oh sometimes perhaps there are those who are activists and truly care. Those are some sick people in my opinion.

I say that because it seems to me that we really hate the honesty of our real selves. We say, greedy and selfish jerks are bad. Loving and caring people are good. Then after we establish that criteria we run off and act more greedy and selfish that loving and caring.

Okay so let’s slap some excuse paint on the face and pretend to our hearts content that life is noble and there is a heaven. So we live in hell and act like devils, by golly sooner or later we are going to heaven because deep down we are cute little well, intentioned fuzz balls. Plus if we lie about it long enough maybe the big guy upstairs will believe it to.

Come on now folks isn’t that really unbelievably stupid? And please don’t tell me the bible thumpers are proof you can do it better. Because I’m sure they could if they weren’t human, but they are. If there is one thing I know humans, including myself are squirrelly and can’t be trusted no matter what.

Before anyone thinks my main desire here is to rag on my fellow man I would like to toss out the fact that I believe we can do better. I think we are simply too lazy and smart to be the first ones to try. I believe most people are intelligent enough to appreciate that being the first kid on the block to play the nice game isn’t going to guarantee anyone else is going to join in.

How do we fix this problem? Well, the Rash program that I want to toss out is one where we admit our flaws and then approach this thing practically. I’m talking bribes folks. With enough bucks you can get pretty much whatever you want.

So how about if we pay criminals to not rob us. That is just one thought. Hey it would cut back on the cost of police if everyone was too busy going to the bank to steal. Plus we could save all that insurance money and cut down on how much those corporations love to rip us off. You got a better solution? Be my guest and toss it out. I’m sure it might be realistic in some way. As for myself, as soon as everyone gives me all their money I’ll be happy to create utopia! Or a reasonable facsimile.


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